Playroom Colors

The Best Colors for a Kids’ Playroom in Minnesota

Giving your children a place of their own to play in your home can boost imagination and minimize boredom. Adding color to this creative space will make the room a more imaginative space and contribute to the aesthetic of your home. Unlike other rooms in the house, playrooms are spaces where bold and innovative color choices are welcomed. A playroom is the perfect space for expressive interior painting.

Choosing a Color for Kid’s Playroom

At Schwartz & Sons Painting, our interior painters can help parents choose the perfect color for their kid’s playroom. To start, it’s important to take the time to brainstorm possible color ideas. Are you interested in keeping the interior painting colors in line with the rest of your home, or are you open to bolder, more child-friendly colors? Do you want to add intricate designs or characters to the walls after you paint?

Another way to help you brainstorm ideas is to bring your children into the mix. Ask them about their favorite colors. Find photos of children’s playrooms that you like and ask your children which ones they like the most and why. By thinking about these aspects of the paint job, you’ll narrow in on the color choice.

Here are a few of our favorite color choices for a kid’s playroom in Andover MN.


Yellow is a wonderful happy color that involves play. It is light, bright, and warm. It’s also a great choice for a playroom because color science considers it a high-energy color, meaning people who spend time in yellow rooms feel more animated and energetic. However, yellow can also be a bit aggressive when the shade is geared toward a neon yellow color. We recommend choosing a deeper yellow shade and even considering a warmer gold for one wall as an accent color.


Pink is a classic color for playrooms. In color science, pink is considered a hopeful color and has been shown to soothe aggression. Studies actually show that pink has a calming effect on people and steadies their nerves. Pink is a great gender-neutral color and also balances well with other colors, particularly neutral colors. We recommend avoiding the more intense hot pink and, instead, using a soft, gentle pastel pink. Light pinks work well for playrooms, creating a cozy, comforting feeling.


Teal is a beautiful shade between blue and green, which adds a magical and almost mystical feel to a room. An intense teal can also bring out feelings of calm and tranquility in the space, perfect if your children also plan to read or nap in the playroom. For parents who want the playroom to tie into the rest of the home decor, teal can be paired with other blues, greens, and neutral tans to flow effortlessly with the main living space.


Navy blue is a color that works well for older children, so it’s a great choice for parents who want the room to grow with their children as they do. For example, we often see navy blue used in offices, game rooms, and older children’s bedrooms. Navy can also serve as a great backdrop for a playroom and allow parents to bring in louder toys and brighter decor without overwhelming the space.


Similar to the light pastel pink, lavender has a calming effect and eases anxiety in both children and adults. We recommend using a light pastel lavender color for playrooms. This color is particularly fun for children who are into magical stories and fantastical realism. It complements many of those toys and books to create a special playroom. This whimsical color can spark your child’s imagination.


Green is a color that provides endless possibilities for a playroom. We often see parents choose green when they want a forest, jungle, or nature-inspired playroom theme. We also see parents choose green because they want a neutral palette without using tan, white, or gray. Green works well as a neutral in most color variations and blends seamlessly into the rest of the home.

Playroom Themes

Depending on your needs, it can be fun to spruce up your children’s playroom with a theme. We often recommend choosing a color that coordinates with a theme if you want to create a space that feels creative, imaginative, and playful. When you think of a child’s kindergarten class, you think of all of the toys and the decorations that line the walls. That environment speaks to kids and can make play more fun.

Some of the themes that we’ve seen used over the years that resonate with children:

  • Animal-Themed
  • Jungle
  • Forest
  • Ocean
  • Favorite TV/Gaming/Book Character
  • Beach
  • Space
  • Castle

Call Professionals Ready to tackle your kid’s playroom and give them beautiful, colorful painted walls? Our interior painters in Andover MN are ready to help! Call us today to schedule your interior painting appointment. We’ll happily answer any questions you may have on the call and bring you one step closer to transforming your child’s playroom into a vibrant and inspiring space.